Environmental Policy
The main business of Y-TEC CORPORATION is to manufacture auto parts and design/manufacture die. Yamako Insurance Services Co., Ltd. provides non-life insurance and life insurance services.
Other than human resources, management resources such as product materials, equipment for manufacturing (die, tooling and jig), and energy are invested. We consider reduction (or efficient use) of product materials, which constitutes more than 50% of management resources, as one of the top priority issues of our business.
We will also focus on environmental aspects related to our business activities (product manufacturing, service businesses, and insurance agency services) to accurately assess their impacts on the environment. Upon this, we will set purposes and goals and conduct environmental conservation within our technological and economical powers based on the following policies.
We will review environmental purposes and goals periodically, and implement continuous improvement on the environmental management system.
We will also consider our product impacts on the environment during developing and designing processes, and save energy and prevent environmental pollution during manufacturing.
We will revise energy resources used at our plant facilities and in production in order to reduce resources, energy, and industrial wastes.
We will comply with any laws, regulations, or other requirements related with environment conservation.
Through in-house environmental education programs and business activities, we will continue to improve understanding and awareness of our environmental policy among the company employees to contribute to reducing the burden on the environment as a company. We will disseminate our environmental policy to all our workers and seek cooperation from them.
- This environmental policy is completely open and available for anyone. -
Acquisition of Environmental Management System
Since we acquired certification for ISO 14001:1996/JIS Q 14001:1996 in June 2002, it has been renewed every 3 years to this date.
The current certificate of registration is ISO 14001:2015/JIS Q 14001:2015, which was approved for renewal on July 19, 2018 and is valid until June 20, 2026.
We will continue to engage in our ongoing environmental-friendly activities.
* Fuchu Plant is not included in the coverage of the ISO certification.
VOC and Odor Control
Installation of a heat storage type deodorizing device has reduced the amount of VOCs and malodorous components produced during painting processes by 97.0 to 99.9%.

* What is VOC?
VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compounds. Main VOC compounds include toluene, xylene, and ethyl acetate, which are commonly found in paints, inks, glues, detergent, gasoline, thinner, etc. These air pollution substances generate photochemical smog by photochemical reactions in the air.
Noise Control
Covering the pressing machines with noise-preventing covers reduced noise by 15 to 20%.
Energy Saving
Changing lights used in plants from florescent lights to LED reduced energy consumption by approximately 50%.